My exhausted author put in long hours working on her website over the holiday. It is looking delightfully sexy and reader friendly as well. So go check it out and see what kind of goodies she has on display....
This was all before you, and if I would’ve known I’d like to think I could have handled all of this differently. He was a memory, a beautiful dream of what could have been. Then I looked across the room, my mind a mixture of torture and exhaustion. There he was. How could it be that he was standing there?
I can still remember the words as they easily slid from your lips. “There is someone I want you to meet…this is my brother Eric.”
My entire body turned to stone and yet your eyes continued to gaze at me with such adoration. How could I have let this go on? Why didn’t I just walk away from the both of you when I had the chance?
I panicked. I admit it. I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t just blurt it out. “You’re the man I had a night with and can’t forget. Oh by the way nice to meet you...” It was easier to hide it. Bury it and hope you never found out.
That’s not what happened though is it? I’m sorry I am weak. I am sorry I just…I couldn’t walk away. I don’t know why. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing! Everything is so out of control. I don’t know which way is up. I can’t get my bearings and I don’t know what to do. Sometimes I wonder what my friend Charlie would say? Maybe someday I can ask you.
I love you Charlie, I always will, as a wonderful friend. I have tried to tell you so many times but everything is mashed together. We’re all spinning, reacting and preparing for the next disaster. I am so sorry for all of this, for being a self centered loathsome creature. You have been so good to me, I never wanted to hurt you.
You deserve to know the truth. So how do I tell you the truth? How do I face you after all of the horrid things I’ve done.? I guess that is my punishment. This is all my fault and I need to take the blame and make it right some how.
Charlie, I am so sorry but I’m in love with your brother…
Author Amy Romine writing as Rebecca Gailen, heroine of the Trust Me series... http://www.amyromine.com
Rebecca found herself staring down at her coffee. Ripped from the fantasy.
“Beccs are you okay?”
She felt flushed, turning toward the voice.
“I’m…uh…I’m fine…”
“They’re waiting in the conference room.”
“Great, let’s go.”
A Memo from the Desk Of Rebecca Gailen - Sr. Operations Manager
Hello my dearest Aurora,
I have watched you for hours, I know your face by heart, your twinkling eyes, subtle smile and your enchanting laugh. You and all of your wicked charms excite me, entice me and make me…want…
They all pretend to be you now, starving for my attention they mock your regalia and are easily destroyed in your defense. Their tears become the water of life for you to drink at your leisure.
Ah the yearning of a place of warmth within your embrace. Within the solace of your eyes. He looks at you now. The other looks upon you fondly, behind the text of muted words and stolen thoughts. He wants you as I do, we are brothers in that regard, linked by a shared rising of hope. Will-less to your whims we sway within your breath, within the curve of your supple body begging for the smallest brush of fate to push us together.
The fates, I have learned are cruel innuendos for retribution, revenge and jealousy. You were marked by them long before my soul reached for you and now I am forced to endure their demands. They have suffered and therefore you must suffer.
You must scream, weep, beg and collapse motionless into oblivion before they will be satisfied and even then the hatred will only hibernate for so long. The demands of the damned are never ending as is the self imposed nightmare they endure.
You see, your suffering gives them hope, lifting them out of the blackened pit they have thrown themselves in. Only you can save them, Rebecca. Only your spilt blood can lift them out of the blackness completely.
In this is my drive, my plight and I know if you knew the truth you would offer yourself up willingly, cut through your own skin to lessen the tortured of another. Alas it is not to be an easy cause and thus you are made to suffer as the damned.
I stand here now, once again covered in the sacrifice of the wicked. Anticipating your gasping horror like a erected cock being stroked by a glove of sand. It is torturous and yet highly delightful in its ability to confuse the senses and turn the pain into pleasure. Building until expulsion and lustful gratification.
I am a shadow in the light of your sun Aurora and I will bask in the glory of your glowing seraphic body until the end of days.
Your worshiping minion.
Author Amy Romine writing from the desk of Rebecca Gailen the Heroine of Serenity Lost - Trust Me Book 1. Want more info? Go to http://www.amyromine.com