A special enough day
I don’t typically dedicate myself, or my time to others. If you had a clan and the politics that went with it, believe me, you’d understand! But today is different. Today I want to introduce you to some very special people in my life. Hey, just because I’m a vampire doesn’t mean I don’t care!
With the ruckus of new stories coming to light, I thought it would be a good idea to bring you something to get your appetites going.
Is it not enough that I have put up with her blatant disobedience and have tolerated her abandonment to our way of living and our life together? As Matriarch of the Hightower Clan, I should take what rightfully belongs to me. No one would deny me that right, but I want more than just her body standing next to me. I want her heart and love to follow willingly.
Visit my human at: http://www.anniealvarez.net/ for more excerpts!
I want to talk about our beloved Zyra. She has had her hands full with that daughter of hers and with good reason. Let me give you an example of what I’m talking about.
Born into a world of immortal creatures, Alexia is a one of a kind hybrid between her vampire mother and werewolf father. Shunned by both species, she is alone in her world, wishing only to be human and for once, truly accepted. Ian, a werewolf from another pack, shows up and claims she is his fated mate, much to his own displeasure. When Alexia’s parents disappear, she is forced to ask Ian, and a very unpleasant vampire, Paxton, for help in finding them. Thrown together in their mission to save her parents, will they also find that they share a fate to be mated? Will Alexia finally find acceptance with Ian, or will their differences keep them apart.
I encourage you to find out more. Visit her humans website: http://www.courtneybreazile.com/
Which brings us to our very special Delora Daye. Yes, she is our resident human and we love her for it. Although, Zyra and I do continue to reason with her about becoming one of us. I think her tenacity for remaining human is one of things we love most about her.
Heat of Winter is what occurs when a beautiful but lonely waitress shares a fast attraction with a sexy and equally single new customer at a freewheeling Greenwich Village restaurant on a snowy February night. The pair keep each other cozy, carefree and coming in what promises to be more than just a one night stand in a snowstorm.
Our very special and mostly absent Anne Pierce. Let me introduce you to one her friends.
Sasha Bolasko has lived a wild and fulfilling life. A Gypsy traveling the world, he has joined an acting troupe called The Friendly Crusaders as one of their star performers. The troupe has crisscrossed the world and are finally returning home to the small French town of Trevinogn. There, Sasha will encounter intrigue, confront rivalry and a woman that could change the way he looks at contentment and settling down forever.
Will his destiny allow him a shred of happiness or will the forthcoming performance be his last? Welcome to Passion Play!
Last, but definitely never forgotten, Jonathan! How wonderful it is to have you with us! He is the life of the party, ask him anything and prepare for what he comes back with!
Age-19. Goofy Goth kid. Loves wearing black. A big fan of "A Clockwork Orange" and "The Crow", he sports eye tattoos of the main characters. Often feels 'lost' in a world that left him behind years ago, and expresses himself in the most strangest ways imaginable, not to mention having a few strange phobias and odd tastes in food. Likes to spend a lot of time online more than venturing out into the 'real world'. A bit of an agoraphobic.
Visit Jonathan at:
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