Friday, August 20, 2010

Oh me, oh my…

I wanted to give you a heads up!

In this crappy ass economy, All Romance (ARE) is going to have a 25% Rebate Sale staring September 10th. I’m giving you advance notice, so you can start saving your pennies to buy a few books.

Needless to say, I hope you buy my stories, but if not, there are plenty of other good books to purchase. Take advantage of the sale and load your bookshelf or ereader up!


Okay, that’s out of the way…now, we can proceed to the business at hand, me.

My author is driving me crazy! She keeps pushing me for more intricate details of my past sexual experiences. As if, Izzy is going to be okay with me sharing that info. Good Goddess! Now she wants to get me in trouble.

And if that wasn’t bad enough, the human has convinced Izzy to have an adult party at my house! Yes, you read it correctly. An adult romance party with sample products!

It’s bad enough that I have shared my sexual endeavors for all the world to read, but now dildo’s and vibrators are going to parade around in my living room.

I may decide to join Zyra in hiding, then again, this might be fun.

I’ll let you know…


  1. Now don't get her wrong - better read one of our books to warm up for your own party! But I tell you, neither eReaders not toys are a decent replacement for a versatile tongue!

  2. Valerie, I agree with you. A versatile tongue cannot be replaced. I will prepare for the buzz (pun inteded) that will soon overtake my home and keep you posted. :)

  3. Oh sounds like fun! Maybe I should hide out at your house ;)
